Chateau Gerbaud
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Château Gerbaud : the secret of an ancestral know-how

Patricia Chabrol

Château Gerbaud belongs to the Chabrol family, whose forefathers cultivated their land with loving care, handing down a true passion for wine-growing and a genuine savoir-faire to their descendants.

1956 :The Chabrol family takes ownership of Château Gerbaud with the acquisition of 20 acres of vineyard.

1982 :10 acres from Clos Gerbaud are joined to the estate.

1998 : New acquisition of 7.5 acres.

Charles Chabrol Jean Massis Jean-Baptiste Chabrol
Charles Chabrol

Grand-Père Minotier
Jean Massis

Grand Père Viticulteur
Jean-Baptiste Chabrol

Père transporteur et commerçant